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Notes from PHA meeting 29th November from Annett
Hello Everyone,

with my apologies for the delayed message - I was called to Germany the morning after our gathering to look after my unwell mum and am still/again there now - here a little summary of our meeting in Pier Avenue on the 29th November. Please read all of it - important date/s at the end!

Annoyingly, I forgot to send around a list that evening for you all to add your email addresses, so some of you will receive this via email, others via the various platforms I have for you and as I don't know whether you're all ok to share your details, I've 'BCCd' you in. Those of you whose email addresses I don't have, could you please let me have them - it's so much easier for me to communicate this way rather than find you on 6 different platforms or risk a message on one of the PHA groups getting lost in the flood.  Please also let me know whether you're ok to share it with the others of the group. Right now, I don't have the notes from our first meeting on 1.11. with me but I've copied those who attended then in too.

Altogether there were 18 participants on 29th November. We agreed that we will make an 'organic' start to our group by offering and sharing health related educational events, supporting each other and building our community naturally. Although we were generally happy to be 'inclusive', the consensus was to build a strong community by sharing first among ourselves, possibly those friends/family who are openminded and happy to mingle with the 'great un-jected'.

We already have a great pool of expertise and knowledge to draw from and share - just some of the topics in no particular order - Reiki, psychotherapy/counseling, ayurvedic face treatments, first aid education, foraging, yoga, nutrition, herbal and natural supplements, hospice nursing, carpentry/joinery, Bowen technique, food growing, composting, common law, Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping for stress, trauma etc), meditation - and a whole lot more...

Saturday, 21st Jan, Paul kindly agreed to hold an introductory first aid workshop (I think it was 3 hours), possibly from 9.30/10 am, Pier Ave, HB?

Tuesday evening, 10.1. or 17.1.?? - Thanks also to Richard who offered an introduction and demonstration to the Bowen technique on a Tuesday evening - Richard, please let me know which date works for you, 7pm. I suggest an hour at the beginning for Bowen and then we continue with our general meeting, Pier Ave, HB.

Composting, veg growing with Dave - at his allotment - I think the first meeting has already been held - Dave sharing his expertise in growing great fruit and veg on site. Get in touch if you'd like to join and count me in, thanks.

Further - please all have a look at the crabandwinklefreedomhub.org.uk - I'll do so in the next few days - Kimmy (our website designer) has put a lot of effort in to bring the 'awakening' community together - let's help it grow. My business will go into the directory soon.

Monica said - structure is needed for the group - my suggestion - have a closer look at PHA concepts. For now, we decided on making a start with the educational aspect and talk further about structure etc at the next meeting.

Rebecca mentioned Mark Boyle, the former 'Moneyless Man' (check out Youtube) - about living off-grid, without money.

Saturday, 14th Jan - David Adelman, the Peoples' Lawyer and Chad Manian - I hope I've got it right when calling him a common law expert - are coming together at Pier Ave, HB, each giving an inspiring talk. David's I had the pleasure to experience at Manor Barn and they've kindly both agreed to share their presentations with us before they tour the country with it. I'll be making a soup and desert and we'll have a great - short/ish - day together.

Max participants = 20 - the participants of the first two 'Coastal PHA' get first dibs - I haven't yet posted it elsewhere. Costs (small, if any) and further details to be decided by David and Chad - I'm awaiting them.

Lastly, I look forward to being more structured and organised next time, (I promise, I'll try...)

hope to see some of you before Christmas. Wish you all a great holiday,


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