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Posted by: KS_Admin - 04-07-2024, 04:07 PM - Forum: Discussions - No Replies


Posted by: DRAGONS - 03-18-2024, 10:57 PM - Forum: GENERAL - Replies (3)

Kent Coastal Group giving children of all ages the opportunity to learn practical skills such as carpentry, mechanics, engineering, restoration, and much more!
Brilliant idea!


November 20th - World Children’s Day
Poem - Children of Tomorrow
Richard Vobes - The Establishment - Rotten to the Core. Vital information!
Corrupt Schools
Ralph Smart - Woman Avatar Version of Herself Generated by AI
Kin School, Tekos. Amazing children build their own school!
“The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they - at some distant point in the future - will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely - because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination, and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile”
Alvin Toffler - 1928 - 2016 - Writer
“A brave, frank, clean-hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which the future nation can be built”
Swami Vivekananda - 1863 - 1902
But they can’t if they are not protected from toxic ineffective profitable vaccines and covid injections
“The 1960s were a leap in human consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, Mother Teresa, they led a revolution of conscience. The Beatles, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix created revolution and evolution themes. The music was like Dali, with many colours and revolutionary ways. The youth of today must go there to find themselves”
Carlos Santana - Musician
“Is there an idea more radical in the history of the human race than turning your children over to total strangers whom you know nothing about, and having those strangers work on your child’s mind, out of your sight, for a period of twelve years? Could there be a more radical idea than that? Back in Colonial days in America, if you proposed that kind of idea, they’d burn you at the stake, you mad person! It’s a mad idea!”
John Taylor Gatto - Award-winning teacher and author
“What the nation wants is pluck and scientific genius. We want great spirit, tremendous energy, and boundless enthusiasm”
Swami Vivekananda
“The greatest thing you could ever teach your child is how to research and think critically for themselves”
Marc Orange, PhD - Psychologist
“I do a great deal of work with young children, and if you give a child a problem, he may come up with a highly original solution, because he doesn’t have the established route to it”
Edward de Bono - 1933 - 2021
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same”
Ronald Reagan - 1911 - 2004 - 40th US President, Actor
“Children allowed to take responsibility and given a serious part in the larger world are always superior to those merely permitted to play and be passive”
John Taylor Gatto
“Schools stifle family originality by appropriating the critical time needed for any sound idea of family to develop - then they blame the family for its failure to be a family”
John Taylor Gatto
“I noticed that school children in mission schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at great speed and be seen by many men and women but the children who had been vaccinated would see nothing, and I noticed this hundreds of times. We were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic coming to the land and that all the children must be vaccinated. This was a lie. My grandfather used to say that the white man’s vaccination makes you blind and if you are to look after the cattle you must not go to the trading store to get your vaccination. Inspectors used to come and check each child for signs of vaccination. Our grandmother used to give us great pain in order to save our spiritual eyes. Grains of maize would be heated up and pushed against the skin of the child, and so when the schools inspectors came he saw the blisters and assumed the child had been vaccinated” 
Credo Mutwa, Zulu Shaman, Healer, Award-winning Author, sculptor.
“What barrier is there that love cannot break?”
Gandhi - 1869 - 1948
“Do something beautiful and impossible. A complete transformation”
Dr. P. Handel - Philosopher, Artist, Musician, Sociologist
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”
Mark Twain - 1835 - 1910 - Writer
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult”
Seneca the Younger - about 4 BC - 65 AD - Philosopher
“I am going to make everything around me beautiful. That will be my life”
Elsie de Wolfe - 1859 - 1950 - American actress, author, interior designer and decorator, vegetarian. She practised yoga and lived to 90
“What would you do if you had no fear?”
Charles Green, PhD - Writer, Artist
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage”
Anais Nin - 1903 - 1977 - Cuban, French-born American author
“Its time to awaken. We are in the midst of a spiritual awakening and cleansing. Everything that hasn’t been working is coming to the surface so that it can be cleansed and healed. Like a wound that has pus, the pus needs to come to the surface so that it can be cleansed, and then the healing can begin. We’re seeing it in our healthcare, banks, schools, military, government, politicians, big pharma, religion, hate talk TV and radio, employment, homelessness, plus self. When we can put our hearts before greed we will be able to cleanse and heal. And we are seeing it”
Karen Langford
“Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped!”
Sam Levenson

Posted by: KS_Admin - 03-05-2024, 09:06 PM - Forum: Working group - No Replies

Whicch practitioners  are available to answer questions on this board concerning health issues? Any?

  Councils complicit in Farming Crisis
Posted by: KS_Admin - 02-24-2024, 08:17 PM - Forum: Discussions - Replies (1)

Good discussion with information 

  Courts and trickery
Posted by: KS_Admin - 01-28-2024, 01:27 PM - Forum: Common Law News - Replies (1)

Video is on the webpage on https://commonlawcourt.com/

  For the next gathering date watch this space
Posted by: KS_Admin - 01-17-2024, 07:05 PM - Forum: Working group - No Replies

New dates will be put up here.
We generally meet on a Tuesday evening, but not always.
Annett generously gives a space for us to meet. which is in Herne Bay.

Details are given privately.

Posted by: KS_Admin - 01-04-2024, 07:17 PM - Forum: Ashford - No Replies

This Saturday 6th January the
Yellow board tour will kick off their 2nd year of touring in Ashford TN23 1EW.
We will be there 12 - 2pm please come and make a stand with us,
I look forward to seeing you there. Clair

  A walk in Blean woods, Sunday 12th November.
Posted by: HobbitSam - 11-07-2023, 07:21 PM - Forum: Herne Bay - No Replies

A walk in Blean woods, Sunday 12th November.
Meet midday CT3 4JS . 
After walk join us for a cup of tea and cake at Josie's cottage, 
wrap up warm. Dogs welcome!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

  Yellow Board tour in Hythe
Posted by: KS_Admin - 09-29-2023, 06:04 PM - Forum: Folkestone - No Replies

the yellow board tour will be in Hythe on Saturday  30th  September 12 - 2pm,

  CT5 Peoples Forum
Posted by: KS_Admin - 09-29-2023, 05:31 PM - Forum: Whitstable - No Replies

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 22 November 2023

AGENDA From 13th September
CT5 People’s Forum
13th September 2023, 7:30pm - 9:30pm| Chaired by Tony Ullman
St Mary’s Hall (Umbrella Centre), Oxford Street, Whitstable, CT5 1DD

1. Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
Proposed new Trustee and Treasurer Michael Bax
2. Reports and feedback from Trustees

3. Canterbury City Council: new priorities and relationship with the Forum
Speaker: Council leader Alan Baldock

Questions to and issues from local Councillors
4. CT5 and policing issues
Speaker: Inspector Paul Stoner
5. Traffic and Active Travel
Speaker: Traffic and active travel group
6. Working Groups updates and report backs
Eco – Wild About Whitstable week
Town Council – Petition update and progress
7. Local community activities, campaigns and events
Reports from the floor
8. Any other business