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New information is added at the very bottom


Geo-engineering is killing nature! Brilliant new video. Please share urgently!
They've made WEATHER a weapon - Richard Vobes with Dane Wigington
URGENT - Please share!
They've made WEATHER a weapon - Richard Vobes with Dane Wigington
The Dimming - https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
School Protection Card

School Protection Alert - The People’s Lawyer - UK - 13 min

Uncensorable - The new Cathy O’Brien & David Icke interview - Jean Nolan - Inspired
Mark Bajerski - What The Hell Is Going On In This World - The Battle Between Light & Dark
Wim Hof Understand this and you will never be lazy again - 7 min
Wim Hof - The Wisdom of Nature - 6 min


Mark Bajerski - Creating or Destroying

20 Minute Neighbourhoods - 15 Minute Cities
Richard Vobes - 20 minute neighbourhoods - How Thetford community are fighting back - 40 min - Very important!!! - Norfolk
Thetford community stand against 20 minute neighbourhoods - 20 min
Richard Vobes - They got rid of 15 minute cities
15 minute neighbourhoods. Marie Simpson made this Freedom of Information request to East Renfrewshire Council

Punk Rock Vegan Film - Moby
Mark Bajerski - Truth - Excellent!
Jean-Michel Jarre & Moby - Suns Have Gone
Mark Bajerski - I Love Government, Politicians, Lords, Whips, World Economy Forum, Pharmaceutical & All Corporations - Brilliant!
Mark Bajerski - Truth - The satanic world system abusers don’t want you to know - 24 min - Brilliant!
Mark Bajerski - Do you really want to be free? - 20 min - Brilliant!
22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth - 7 min - Amazing!
Amanda Ellis - Balloons/UFOs? and Ohio chemical disaster
Ohio - latest news - please share urgently
The Untold story of the US constitution. It was written by Native Americans! - Inspired - Jean Nolan
What is the Most Sustainable City in the World?

More Videos below



People for Reason in Science and Medicine - PRISM

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

As our logo says, PRISM is pro-health, pro-environment, and anti-vivisection. Because animal experimentation is one of the of the root causes of the destruction of life on this planet, vivisection has always been our focus. But ever since PRISM was formed decades ago, the environment, especially in California, has been a going concern for us.
We have supported other environmental organizations with petitions, letters, phone calls, and our physical presence, especially when it came to protecting the environment close to home. PRISM and First Earth activists chained themselves to bulldozers to stop urban sprawl and the destruction of wildlife areas in the Santa Monica mountains. The compromise was overwhelmingly in our favor and has lasted for thirty years. We joined with Native Americans in stopping the destruction of nature and hiking trails in the hills above Fryman Canyon in Studio City. We fought the fluoridation of water in the Los Angeles Area and almost won that battle but corrupt politics and money overwhelmed the opposition.

In 1990 the deadly pesticide malathion was being sprayed by helicopters (supposedly to kill Mediterranean fruit flies) over many neighborhoods in Los Angeles, and we led the charge to force our legislators who represented the San Fernando Valley, where our office in Tarzana is located, to end the spraying or face the end of their political careers. American Cyanamid made a million dollars every time the helicopters went up, and while L.A. citizens were in an uproar over the extreme risk to their health, they also wondered why all the medflies were hanging out in the poor and middle class areas of L.A. instead of in Bel Air and Beverly Hills where there was never any spraying of malathion.

We have written many articles about the effect of factory farming on our environment, including our air, soil, rivers, streams, and lakes. We’ve talked about the many toxic chemicals released into the air because of factory farming, including hydrogen sulfide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. We have protested in person against factory farms and slaughterhouses. All of the chemicals released by factory farms are dangerous to our health and contaminate the environment and the air we breathe. Factory farming is second only to the automobile industry as an air pollutant. There is no question that if we do not end factory farming and cut down on automobile emissions, cancer and other diseases will continue to skyrocket.

We are now observing the debate between people who support vaccines, believe in the fraudulent Covid “pandemic,” believe censorship is okay in order to stop “disinformation,” and hang out with Klaus Schwab and other oligarchs at the World Economic Forum because they talk about saving the environment. While many environmental organizations and environmentalists do not align themselves with the oligarchs they remain silent on how the tyrants who fear mongered a fake pandemic are now using the environment as a tool to again engender fear in the population to corral people like sheep into lockups as in China where citizens have lost all their freedoms.

On the other side of the debate you have people who are opposed to vaccines, understand they are dangerous and are being used to kill and injure people and cull the earth’s population. They are extremely skeptical of the threat of global warming and certain the world’s tyrants are again attempting to use fear to control our monetary system, our property, and every move we make, this time using the environment.

We intended to write about this ongoing debate last week but before we had a chance, W. Aaron Vandiver wrote a brilliant article on this subject that is posted on the Children’s Health Defense site called Would a 'Climate Emergency’ Open the Same Door to Authoritarian Governance as the ‘Covid Emergency?’  The writer didn’t go as far in this article regarding the oligarchs’ plans to monitor and control our movements with a currency system as we would have liked but others have written about this previously as have we. Before we give you the link to Vandiver’s article we just want to say a few things.

The release of methane and CO2 from factory farms and auto emissions and vast deforestation around the world is causing higher temperatures in our oceans and in our atmosphere. Those who say methane has been around for thousands of years are correct. According to Pavel Serov from The Arctic University of Norway, 23,000 years ago glaciers sat on top of layers of bedrock in the Barents Sea keeping gas deposits buried. Layers of methane hydrates stayed put. “Between 17,000 and 15,000 when the climate began to warm up, rapid deglaciation on the surface allowed methane deposits to break through this icy protective layer. By the end of the ice age some 12,000 years ago, the hydrate layer keeping the Barents Sea “pingoes” (mounds of hydrates) contained had stretched to just 30 meters thick (98 feet), thanks to an increase in warm sea water... A combination of pressure from below and a thin protective layer on top eventually saw the domes explode, releasing huge amounts of methane into the ocean and surrounding atmosphere…As the arctic continues to warm twice as fast as the rest of the planet, this might be one of those rare natural phenomena that we get to see play out in real-time.”
Hydrothermal Vents
Caps of frozen methane and CO2 have been discovered all over the world by oceanographers and as more glaciers melt and the temperature of the oceans rise, some of the mounds of hydrates are seeping methane already. Dave Butterfield of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle says, “If you destabilize the methane hydrates, that methane would be injected into the atmosphere and cause more extreme global warming…The spike of atmospheric temperatures during previous periods when ice ages were ending mirrors today’s rapid rise as a result of greenhouse gas emissions.”
The planet has been going through changes, both cooling and heating long before humans came on the scene. But now that human-caused warming is causing the seeping from the mounds of hydrates as the temperature of the oceans continues to rise, if there are things we can do that are within our control to prevent that and keep our planet safe for all life, shouldn’t we be doing them?
We also must remember how the liars at WEF, WHO, NIH, and FDA used fear of a world wide plague to place the world under their thumb and create a windfall of profit. Klaus Schwab and his minions never rest from plotting new ways to become the total dictators that they dream of being. Because of the Covid scam, they have come a long way toward reaching their goal since Cecil Rhodes and others first conceived of their plan back in the 1800s to enable the rich to have total dominance over the rest of us. The oligarchs will continue to engineer more viruses, scare the public into taking deadly vaccines, and now, use the environment to scare us into controlling every move we make.

As W. Aaron Vandiver’s article explains, saving the environment and saving our freedoms is complicated, but if we remain vigilant and educate ourselves about the facts we will not fall victim to the schemes of the oligarchs and will protect the environment as well.
Please read this article in its entirety. It’s long but well worth the read -
Would a ‘Climate Emergency’ Open the Same Door to Authoritarian Governance as the ‘Covid Emergency?’
There should be no debate about saving the planet or saving our freedoms. We'll do both.

Worms for Dinner Anyone?
In 2020 they said “Covid won’t last long because it’s made in China”. Joking aside, flu and covid are engineered in labs and then released globally. Flu would have died out long ago if it wasn’t continuously re-engineered in labs.
Billions of genetically engineered mosquitoes are being bred and released for supposedly good reasons, but some people suggest otherwise. No surprises here.
Just as people are realising that choosing veganism is the compassionate, simple, healthy, and very easy and effective way to help the environment, humans, animals, forests, oceans, and all life, which, with very little effort, also puts the power back into the hands of the public instead of the corporations and authority, the dictators are now pushing unhealthy insect food onto the public. This just proves how sick they are.
Why would dictators want to make people eat insects AND go vegan, supposedly to “save the planet”, when they don’t even care about any life? Maybe they want to preserve nature because it affects their ability to make profit and dictate to people. Could this also be the reason why they want to depopulate the Planet? - Through the foulest means possible: - war, chemtrails, 5G, and vaccines, etc.
“Epidemics, global fear, division, tsunamis, and wars, are engineered for profit, power, and control”
 Mark Butler - Philosopher, author
“People who believe governments, are lying to themselves”
“Politicians are psychopaths”
“If you’re wearing a mask but still eating out at restaurants, you’re not afraid of the virus, you’re afraid of your government”
“One day, many will hang their heads in shame when they realise the evil they defended and the heroes they ridiculed”
Evil govts are putting worms, crickets, and other insects, into our food.
This new European Union regulation notes that there are risks to eating cricket powder. Its scientific paper states that there is a danger of anaphylactic shock, causing collapse or instant death. 
Vaccines can also cause anaphylactic shock or death within minutes of injection. Every ingredient is poisonous.
The European Commission has given a monopoly to Cricket One Co. Ltd, a group based in Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to procure the house cricket powder for the hapless EU consumer. As the regulation says “only the company Cricket One Co. Ltd is authorised to place on the market within the Union the novel food referred to in Article 1, for a period of 5 years from 24 January 2023”
Has anyone noticed that more and more products sold in UK are made in China, and are poor quality, thereby wasting resources and increasing pollution when they are produced and thrown away instead of being repaired, recycled, or upcycled? While UK and US etc are making China rich by buying their poor quality polluting products, other countries are being boycotted and manipulated.
In the early 1990s, the people of Cuba were starving because their supply of oil and tractor parts was deliberately cut off. They survived only because people united, formed communities, and grew organically and locally, thereby improving health and saving lives. See “The Power of Community” film below.
Our lives and minds are being manipulated, the planet is being ruined, and all life suffers. The power is in our hands to create positive change. No one else will.

Also see article below “The 1918 Influenza Epidemic Was a Vaccine-Caused Disease”


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VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 10-22-2022, 02:29 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 10-22-2022, 04:21 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 11-03-2022, 02:11 AM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 11-20-2022, 09:52 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 04-24-2023, 06:10 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 04-24-2023, 10:16 PM
RE: VIDEO - 1 - by DRAGONS - 05-11-2023, 03:34 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 05-31-2023, 06:10 PM
RE: VIDEO - by DRAGONS - 06-01-2023, 08:11 PM

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