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Fighting 5G Towers
Hi Grace and @PaulFromDeal - taken from their communication on Telegram

I recommend you connect with National Residents assoc

They are a group of national residents assoc with fab 5g resources coordinating to leafleting campaigns, emf surveys which is adding to a national case and crime no.

Also listen to Ian Jarvis who works with NRA. He has a long list of successful objections to use against planning applications.

Using these methods we recently got an application
at Laleham Gap, Thanet refused. Thanks to all those in the group that objected. ?

You need a group to coordinate and:
- create your local residents Assoc (min of 3pp)
- monitor planning portal
- create and distribute info leaflets in response to applications
- set up an email where folk can contact you
- start surveying existing masts and sites for proposed masts.

We have a small but effective, coordinated group in Thanet. You all need to help one another with skill sets (tech, time, foot soldiers).

Defeating objections is a numbers game… let planners know you’re watching. Mobilise residents. They are NOT being consulted and when they know, they act.

The planning portal is how councils deem they are consulting, and its key successful campaigns.

Search strings:


NOT 5g as increasingly they’re dropping this from applications.

People don’t have to be resident in area to object. Its enough to say they have friends/family in area.

Siting, appearance, street scene and clutter are key arguments for refusal as is lack of consultation (standard is 56 days.

Go for it and let’s take out the Death Star!


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Fighting 5G Towers - by KS_Admin - 02-10-2023, 02:25 PM

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